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Infinity Stones Game

Updated: Nov 22, 2019

Infinity Stones is a face paced, action packed invasion game, designed for grades 2-6. My co-teacher and I saw a similar game at a workshop event a couple years back, and decided to modify and adapt it to fit our school. In our version of the game, the first team to collect 6 balls (stones) wins the game, hence the name Infinity Stones. If you aren't familiar, the six Infinity Stones play a prominent role in the Marvel comics universe. The villain Thanos attempts to collect all 6 stones in order to destroy the universe. The superheros are trying to collect the stones to prevent Thanos from doing just that. Because of the huge popularity of the Marvel movies, the name of the game alone got our students excited.


To begin, divide the playing area into four equal areas, and the students into four teams. The teams will be distinguished jersey colors. Each team area will have a mat in the corner, and a hula hoop just inside the mat. Inside each hula hoop are two gatorskin balls "Stones". Each team will also need 2 bandannas or scarves for the guardians to wear.


The goal of the game is to be the first team to collect 6 stones of any color. 4 players from each team are "Stealers". The Stealers job is to invade other teams areas and steal a stone. Stealers can invade any team area to steal a stone. 2 players from each team are the "Guardians", identified by the bandanna or scarf. The Guardians job is to stay near their hula hoop and protect the stones. Only the Guardians are allowed to tag, and they can only tag within their team area. The remaining students in each team stand on the mat, waiting to enter the game. If a Stealer is successful in stealing a stone, and returning it to their teams hoop, they trade with a player on the mat. If a Stealer is tagged at any time, they return to their team area, and trade with a player on the mat.

If a Stealer is tagged with a stone in their hands, they must return it to the hula hoop in the zone they were tagged in. For example, lets say a red team player invades the yellow area and steals a ball. They then run through the green area in attempt to make it to their area and are tagged. They must place the ball in the green hula hoop. It is vital that the Stealers understand their responsibility to personally place the ball in the proper hoop. The Stealers are also not allowed to hit or kick a stone out of the hoop. Every 3-4 minutes, pause and switch team guardians.

Extra Tips

Encourage teams to unite. When a team collects five stones and is on the verge of winning, pause the game. Tell your students to talk amongst themselves and work out a strategy to go prevent the leading team from winning. Students will learn that if several Stealers attack one hoop, and sacrifice themselves, often times others can run in behind and successfully steal.

Check out the video below for some Infinity Stones action.

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